How are you coping with Covid?

Birth Support

Colour image of couple hypnobirthing in labour

Firstly, I hope you are all well and you have not been directly affected by this virus and continue to be well and look after yourselves by staying at home.

I wanted to write today as I am picking up chatter from various avenues in the birth world, and in no particular order some of these are based on:
The worry of being out of control in labour
Having less choice

Not having my partner

There is no doubt that we are in very challenging times and I feel like I am in a movie but without a script.
However, I do know that today the sun is shining and I am safe and well.

Some of us will feel some of the above and perhaps many other things too, but ask yourself the following questions:

What are your labour fears during Covid-19?

Has the essence of who you are changed pre lockdown?
Do you still plan to have the best possible positive birth?
Do you still have the same great personal skills and tools that you had a few weeks ago?

I hope your answers are a resounding YES! 

Please continue to do what you have been doing and more. Read those positive statements, own them!

If you answered NO to any of them then please please talk to your midwife, partner, family, friend or another birth professional. I am absolutely sure that you can help yourself back to the YES stage with a little discussion or support and rebalance those scales.

As you may be aware due to Covid-19 Doulas are no longer able to act as an additional birth partner in a hospital setting but what I can offer is virtual support. Thank god for technology!

So why not consider having a chat with me and see if I can help you. This can be via text, phone, video call or simply hearing my voice and hypnobirthing you through your scripts.

If you are interested then don’t wait let’s chat!



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