An earlier than expected arrival

Babies, Birth, Hypnobirthing Stories

A Hypnobirthing in Berkshire and Surrey story
I thought I would just let you know that our little boy arrived on Sunday night, 9 days early, weighing 7lb 13oz!

Things started off at about 5 am on Sunday morning, as I had a bloody show which had quite a lot of fresh blood, I was admitted to the antenatal ward at Frimley Park Hospital so they could monitor me and give me an anti d injection (due to me being RH negative and baby RH positive). This all took quite a while so I wasn’t discharged until about 3 pm.
By 5 pm my waters had broken and we were on our way back to the hospital. Things sped up quite fast from there and O was born at 23.20. Due to his speediness, I only had gas and air, and I was fortunate that I was able to spend 3 hours or so in the birthing pool before being transferred to the labour ward at the last minute, as it looked like the baby’s heartbeat had dropped. Luckily once we got there and got put on a monitor all was looking ok again and he was born about 15 mins later. As I spent more time in hospital during early labour than I’d anticipated I didn’t get a chance to use the scripts in my bath as I’d originally anticipated.

However, I felt like the hypnobirthing course with Erika Townend in Sandhurst, Berkshire gave me the tools to know what was happening at all times and to have faith in my body that it would know what to do. The breathing techniques kept me really calm and the
“I can do anything for one minute” mentality really helped during the pushing stage.

I’ve struggled with anxiety quite badly at times in the past, I have a real fear of the unknown and have always struggled with anything medical (including a strong needle phobia). Everyone around me has commented on how calm and collected I seemed to be in the run-up to the birth. They thoroughly expected me to be panicking and worrying about the whole process, but thanks to practising hypnobirthing I really feel like I was able to keep myself calm when I felt any sort of panic rising.
Honestly, I cannot thank you enough for the classes and support provided. Without it, I think I would have had a much different experience and so far O seems to be quite a chilled out baby which I think has probably been helped by me being able to stay relatively calm through pregnancy and birth.
I’d highly recommend the course with Erika Townend Birth to anyone. Thank you, thank you, thank you again, you are amazing!!
M & M and O

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With thanks to the parents for sharing their images.


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